For nearly forty years I’ve been cranking out furniture. To say “I’ve” is rather cavalier, because in fact I’ve had some help. An amazing string of assistants and associates have done, and still do, an awful lot of the work. I train them, often from scratch, and then they dive into the fray. There they dovetail, tenon, shape and finish. They put up with me.
Here you see them at work, along with some pictures of the shop. There are also a few shots of Tage Frid, the guy who made it all happen for me by plucking me out of a photo major at RISD and dropping me into the grad room in the wood shop. Nice. And all these years later I’ve got a couple of great, young guys who look like they might be able to measure up to Sylven.

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ideas-wall_thumb ateam_thumb alligator_thumb await_thumb big_thumb bigwill_thumb
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