My interest in landscape work evolved, interestingly enough, from my curiosity about where the lumber I worked with in my furniture shop came from. Initially I studied the forests to identify and understand the trees that produced my wood. While studying the trees I became aware of the under-story; the rich realm beneath the canopy starting with the forest floor mosses, up through ferns and carex, into huckleberry and rhododendron and on up to the dogwoods and redbuds. I found this quite fascinating – a thrilling and inspiring new world. Then I had the great fortune to meet my landscape partner, Ron. He is a world-class horticulturalist, a deep thinker and a really good guy. We teamed up, got a few good breaks, and have been moving earth, building walls, planting trees and doing whatever else our interesting and varied assignments have required. We have been working together for more than a decade, and I believe we are a good example of a team that is stronger than its individual parts.
17 Wilbur Road, Lincoln, RI :: 401 334 2638 ::